Kavanaugh Investigation

So, the FBI has now been asked to investigate the allegations again Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  Who knows what will be found, but one thing is for sure…the outcome will be ugly.

If the investigation finds no information to disqualify Judge Kavanaugh the democrats will continue to fight.  There are credible claims that he misled and lied to the Committee during his testimony.  A perjury argument could and would almost certainly be made.  In addition to that, his opening statement would seem partisan and ‘conspiracy theory’ based.  This should be unbecoming of a Supreme Court Justice regardless of which side of the aisle you sit on.  Congress is a known partisan political body…the Judiciary is NOT.

If the investigation finds information that does disqualify Judge Kavanaugh the republicans will surely blame the democrats for playing dirty politics.  There is no way they admit to making a mistake by supporting a candidate that was ultimately discredited and denied a Supreme Court seat.  That would call into question their judgement on their next nomination and all future nominations to come.  Remember, this is a party that assured that he would be sitting on the Supreme Court and was fully committed to making that happen.

So buckle up…this ride is going to get bumpy.

Our Federal Government Is Failing Us

Listen…it doesn’t matter whether you are a Congressional Democrat or Congressional Republican.  It doesn’t matter if you are the President of the United States.  The majority of them have let down the citizens of the United States.  The most of them do not have our best interest in mind.  They have sold us out to big business and special interest.  We have sat by and have decided in a lot of cases that we will vote for the candidates that we dislike the least.  Until we stand up as an educated whole and hold our elected officials accountable to us, we are destined to suffer this downward spiral.

The Journey Begins

It has taken me a long time to decide how I would like to share my views of our political landscape.  I have spent many years of my life forming my own thoughts on what our government is or isn’t doing right in the world we live in.  If you read my blog closely and consistently you will see that I am neither Democrat nor Republican.  I have left leaning views and right leaning views, but you will probably figure out my views tend to fall somewhere moderately in the middle.  I love constructive debate, and have respect for anyone’s opinion even when if differs from my own…as long as you can back it up with educated thoughts.  This means not what some major media outlet has said, but your own educated thoughts.  I look forward to healthy debates, and thanks for joining me on this journey.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
